Welcome to my webpage! I'm Fran, a Data Scientist with several years of experience in the field. Although I love to see exciting new developments which use enormous datasets, at heart I appreciate the most the classics of understanding a business need and building a report from tabular data using #Lindy classical ML techniques, and I'm fascinated by the clever usage of statistics historically developed for small datasets of the time.
I obtained my PhD in mathematics in 2022 while working at the Geometry & Mathematical Physics group in SISSA, in Trieste, Italy. Before that, I studied theoretical physics at the University of Zagreb, which is also my hometown. I don't consider myself a "turncoat" - mastering technical fields has been my passion since I was a kid, and I take pride in and treasure my deep and broad knowledge of the hard sciences which "passed" through my fingers over the years and all the notebooks I filled with calculations. I'm not letting go of any of it.
If you need my services, contact me at fran.globlek AT gmail.com.
This website is still in progress, and will feature my work, my bio, my interests, as well as musings on mostly science in the form of a blog (if time permits). This is a static website made with Pelican, with a custom-made theme (well, mostly scrapped from other themes).